DesignFromX: Empowering End-User Product Design using Reference Design Fea- tures Drawn from Everyday Products


End-user participation in product design enhances the user experience by accommodating personalized design features. However, many end-users lack the design expertise and thus struggle to identify useful features and then compose them into a cohesive design. We present DesignFromX, a Generative AI(GenAI)-powered design support tool that identifies useful features drawn from other products for novice designers to support the exploration of their own design. A user study with 24 novice designers shows that DesignFromX enhances both engagement and enjoyment of their design process. Quantitative results further indicated that DesignFromX helps designers identify more reference features and promotes design composition to generate more designs. Based on our comprehensive user studies, we also identify challenges in the current GenAI-supported design process and propose insights to foster seamless and controllable human-AI collaboration.

In *2025 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems *
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